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Canadian Future works with the Canadian Relief And Development Agency (CRDA) to collect donations.

CRDA is a registered non-profit organization based in the Greater Toronto Area since 2005. The core values of this non profit organization are to foster an increased sense of community amongst Canadians and to reinforce the role of that community within the framework of a multicultural Canada.

Registered Charitable # 82109 4273 RR0001

More about crda

The CRDA is a non-political and non-religious humanitarian organization serving and educating people within Canada and globally, irrespective of race, religion, culture, sexual orientation and gender.

The CRDA’s activities include public awareness of issues that unite us all including public service, military service, developmental projects and community capacity building.

The CRDA has a core capacity to perform research on pertinent topics that align with their mission goals, produce learning and educational materials in written, multimedia and web based platforms as well as engage a wide array of communities in Canada to foster improved inter cultural and inter religious divides.

THE CRDA has focused on development and international relief activities in Pakistan, but its activities also include public awareness of issues that promote a shared sense of unity amongst Canadians of Pakistani origin and other Canadians by highlighting shared contributions to Canada’s history, including public service, military service, developmental projects and community capacity building.

CRDA History

Earthquake relief in Pakistan

flooding in Indus River Basin

Water purification system, Punjab

Water purification system hand pumps, Punjab

SOS Canada, Marigold Gala Fundraiser raised over $75,000 for orphaned children

fFurther upgrade with an additional 25 hand pumps

Deep tube well digging for clean drinking water for women's college

Covid 19 relief package, (20 christian families, 100 Muslim families)

20 sewing machines for widows and single mothers as part of a women's empowerment project